Tag Archives: trusting

Personal GPS

My mother and I were on our way to a wedding in a town we didn’t know. So as is common practice today; we pulled out the good old GPS and trusted that it would lead us to the hotel and to the wedding on time. Well things were going smoothly until we were about 15 min away and the GPS wanted us to turn down a road that didn’t exist!! We drove around panicked as the time clicked closer and closer to the start time of the wedding, and we weren’t even dressed! I was IN the wedding, we couldn’t be late! Well that GPS did us no good and we eventually stopped listening to it and started to just drive around till eventually the GPS chimed in that we were on the right track and very close to the hotel. Where we checked in, dropped off our bags and changed in the hotel lobby bathroom cause there was no time to get up to our room. Luckily, we made it and had a wonderful time celebrating the marriage of a good friend.

God kind of works like a GPS, only he will never get us lost. He knows when we are stuck in traffic and need to get out. He knows when the road we are traveling is under construction with lots of damage and renewal needed. Lastly,  he knows when we are smoothly sailing safely on the highway of life. He is the one who puts us on these roads whether you realize it or not. Unlike my mother and I with the GPS, we can’t decide not to listen to God and be ok finding our own way. It doesn’t quite work like that with him. The Holy Spirit that is in us is our personal GPS, never steering us wrong and always knowing where our road will lead. We have an internal GSS. God, Son, and Holy Spirit. We just have to trust it in everything we do and every road we travel. If he brought you to it, he will bring you through it.

Proverbs 3:5

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

For Mom,Love you


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